totally hands off

domains made simple

Fair prices, low maintenance, and no hidden fees, price hikes, or ads. What more could you ask for? Well, we've got even more...

security & privacy meets simplicity

You’ll love how easy it is to manage your domain

Manage all your domains and records simply from one dashboard. With a Concierge plan, we’ll take care of setting up your email, website, and any other DNS records you may need. We’ll even ensure emails from your domain never go to to spam with deliverability records.

Transfer in a current domain, or purchase a new one with us, your domains will renew at the same rate and always include security and privacy at no additional cost.


always included features

DNS Management
records all in one clean dashboard
SSL Certifications
free SSL for main and subdomains
Automatic Renewal
grace period also included for extra assurance
Domain Transfer
manage all of your domains in one place
WHOIS Privacy
private details (name, address, number, and more) are hidden on the WHOIS database. only state and country are visible
Domain Lock
another layer of security and peace of mind, domain locked protects your domains from unauthorized transfers
Email Deliverability
with a concierge plan, we'll set up the proper records for full email deliverability for all your main & subdomains


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